We HIGHLY recommend that people use the VP primary structure AS-IS, then do all the modifying and customizing in the secondary structure. Without the required engineering background, one should not modify the primary structure which has been engineered, stressed, and now proven for over 50 years. Basically, do NOT change the primary structure of the VP-1. We are not liable for what can happen if you alter the plans. We highly recommend that you read our entire Disclaimer. Also refer to www.FAA.gov
Having no control over workmanship or fidelity to Plans, the Designer and Publisher must disclaim any guaranty of performance or safety. All forms of transportation are known for the potential to cause injury or even fatalities. The VPs are no exception, and no claim is made that design defects exist or do not exist. User shall determine the suitability of this data for his or her intended purposes and assume all risk and liability in connection therewith.
The Designer and plans publisher’s only obligation shall be to certify that these plans and performance figures are representative of the prototype aircraft which has been certified airworthy under the Experimental/Amateur Built Category by the FAA.
User shall determine the suitability of this product for his or her intended use and assume all risk and liability in connection therewith. Furthermore, though the prototype was subjected to limited acrobatics, as part of the flight test program, the aircraft was designed for fun flying and not the control responsiveness nor load factors required for acrobatics. It is therefore NOT APPROVED for acrobatics, and shall be placarded to this effect.
Modifications: Evans Aircraft cannot sanction any modification of the VP designs from the published plans with intent to modify, and we do not mean to abridge this freedom. However, any changes, other than minor fairing, can create an unsafe aircraft, and therefore voids use of the name “Volksplane” or “VP”, or their use in any form such as “Jones-Volksplane”. Persons modifying must use another un-similar name, particularly on the registration and licensing forms. The intent of this policy is to protect our product image against another’s experimentation, hence all parties are enjoined from the use of our copyrighted product name and/or trademark in connection with such experimentation.
Engineering Consulting: We receive many requests for design consultation, but unfortunately cannot provide this service though we wish we could. There is no way to market plans customized for the individual at a reasonable price. The very best we can do is optimize our designs and offer them to the public “as is”.
We HIGHLY recommend that people use the VP primary structure AS-IS, then do all the modifying and customizing in the secondary structure. Without the required engineering background, one should not modify the primary structure which has been engineered, stressed, and now proven for over 50 years. Basically, do NOT change the primary structure of the VP-1. We are not liable for what can happen if you alter the plans. Also refer to www.FAA.gov.
Policy Effective Date – January 1, 2015
General Information – EVANS AIRCRAFT COMPANY cares about you and your company. We are concerned about all our clients’ privacy and computer security. We follow basic rules to make sure that your privacy is not invaded, used and/or abused.
Contact Information – Please see our CONTACT page for all of our company contact information.
Dispute Resolution – In the unlikely event that a visitor to our website feels that we have somehow violated our own policies, please see the CONTACT page or email us at EVANS AIRCRAFT COMPANY.
Information Collection – We have a “Contact” form and Questionnaires throughout our website. Depending on the form, we are asking for your name, phone number, address, email address, etc. We do NOT share this information with anyone. We are the only people who see this data. We use your email address and phone number to contact you. We use the rest of your information to help us help you. Please note: once we email you, the http header information from your email address is logged automatically in our email host for their statistical purposes without explicit consent from the user which is not optional. This is universal.
Information Recipients – EVANS AIRCRAFT COMPANY employees have access to the personal information sent in by visitors to our website. These employees have a signed a document stating that they are in deep legally if they divulge any personal information to anyone about a client/customer.
Information Retention – Personal information may be retained indefinitely for future follow-up, unless we are specifically requested not to do so by you. We send newsletters and emails to those people who have agreed to receive them. Note: The http email header data may be retained indefinitely. That is out of our control.
Opt-In and Opt-Out – You may have received an email or filled out a form on our website that gave you the choice to “opt-in” to having your name and email address added to our email list for newsletters and other periodic emailings. People who have “opted-in” will receive these bulk emails. As a client, affiliate, etc. if you have ever given us your personal information personally by phone or by some form of “contact” form on our website, we have added you to our email mailing list. At any time, you may request to have your personal data removed from our database. It’s as simple as sending us an email at EVANS AIRCRAFT COMPANY or “unsubscribing” from our mailing list by clicking “unsubscribe” on the email that we sent you.
Cookies – We do not initiate Cookies on this site. We do use Google Analytics to track web visitor statistics. If you are concerned about this activity, please see Google’s Privacy Policy. If you want to know more about cookies, please go to this link.http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/cookie.html
All Volksplane Designs are protected under international copyright law.
No part of VP-1 or VP-2 plans may be reproduced or distributed in any form or process without express written permission of the designer. Authorized dealers are EAA, PFA, and Aircraft Spruce & Specialty.